
Die Elegien in Matsumoto

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"The world is now covered with sadness" is what Daiki said about this concert. This is obviously in line with what he described the concept of his concert in July as "The world is now experiencing a gap" in which he conducted pieces by Arnold Schoenberg alone.  

It goes without saying that people on this planet are now going through great sadness due to the Covid-19 pandemic and a kinda gap between pre-/post-Covid eras. What else but sadness and the gap should arts mirror as a mimesis of the world?

The programme comprises elegies, since this concert is supposed to be a philosophical experiment to let come out the essence of the affection of sadness in the venue like a ghost.

You may feel sad, if we succeed in arousing the affection of sadness, but you may also further experience a catharsis, as Aristotle described in Poetics, for your spirit to be washed off, if we do really really well, hopefully. Let's see. Please come and join us. Even Infants and Toddlers are also welcome.

G. Faure   Elegy, Op. 24
N. Kapustin  Elegy Op. 96
R. Wagner  Elegy WWW93
Daiki Omori   Adagio Elegiaco Op. 6
S. Ozaki    Song of Night (post.)
A. Glazunov  Elegy Op. 17

K. Leighton    Elegy Op. 5
J. Brahms   Sonata  Op. 38


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